Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

“The goal of EMDR treatment is to rapidly metabolize the dysfunctional residue from the past and transform it into something useful”.

-Francine Shapiro, EMDR Founder


With Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing we get to the root to release the pain of the past while anchoring in the present through the hurt, and once these trauma memories have been reprocessed we can release the frozen state in the brain and body. Trauma memories are processed and stored differently than ordinary memories, the stress of the trauma gets stuck which is why we get triggered so often in our daily life. After trauma newer experiences can attach to the older trauma to reinforce negative beliefs and experiences. When trauma isn’t processed we find ourself in a constant state of survival and overwhelm, which prevents us from learning and growing and enjoying life. EMDR is different from other forms of therapy due to its use of bilateral stimulation, and how EMDR creates an intentional container to focus exclusively on the traumatic events. The 8 phase structure of EMDR helps us feel safe and contained. What I’ve found over time is when EMDR isn’t used in trauma resolution our inclination to avoid those big hurtful memories comes up in therapy more often - thus prolonging our suffering by avoiding the root causes. I like to think of EMDR as Mindfulness on steroids while processing trauma: guided instructions help access the memory differently, and the bilateral stimulation helps us anchor in the present instead of being sucked into the past with a flooded nervous system like we do alone at home or when triggered in public. EMDR helps the train get back on the track after it got derailed and stuck in the past, and there’s even brain scans that show a decrease in activation after EMDR which means we’re finally free from the fight/flight/freeze/fawn response that’s been plaguing life! EMDR helps us remove the ick from the wound so it can heal properly. Before starting EMDR I’ll empower you with an understanding of how the nervous system operates and adapted to trauma, I’ll also help you cultivate curiosity and presence through mindfulness to set you up for success on your EMDR journey. After EMDR you’ll find yourself living a more authentic, powerful, compassionate and joyful life.

I invite you to learn more about EMDR HERE

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”

– Peter A. Levine, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma (1997)