Art Therapy:

The language of the soul, the language of the unspeakable

“Expressive art therapy integrates all of the arts in a safe, non-judgmental setting to facilitate personal growth and healing. To use the arts expressively means going into our inner realms to discover feelings and to express them through visual art, movement, sound, writing or drama. This process fosters release, self-understanding, insight and awakens creativity and transpersonal states of consciousness.”
– Natalie Rogers

Art Therapy

Art Therapy is a form of therapy that utilizes the creative process of making art to improve a person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through creating art, individuals can explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, develop self-awareness, manage behavior, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem. Art Therapy can be beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds that I work with, providing a non-verbal outlet for expression and communication. Art Therapy can be gentler on the nervous system than direct verbal exploration because it navigates through the backdoor, away from the defenses that protect our vulnerabilities. This novel approach also helps us find solutions to confusing or reoccurring problems through the use of symbol, metaphor, and dialoguing between parts of the image. Art Therapists are trained professionals who guide clients in using various art materials and techniques to address personal issues and promote healing and growth. No formal experience with art or pretty-picture-making is necessary to benefit from the healing capacities of Art Therapy, as the healing is in the process and not the product. Through Mindfulness Based Art Therapy (MBAT) we can harness the calm curiosity that mindfulness brings to our problems in the Art Therapy space to activate depth and insights for transformation.

With Art Therapy we will engage the realm of the collective unconscious to uncover wisdom through abstraction, dialoguing, movement, and exploration of various mediums tailored to release specific emotions. Art Therapy is gentle on the nervous system as we release pain and explore challenges, it shows us our unconscious blocks, it also provides an avenue to explore new ways of being and creative solutions. Art Therapy is a very active form of healing, it crosses the bridge to make memory and feeling tangible for our work together.

“Transformative art must express something beyond where you are, it demands that you grow beyond your current self. This is where an artist’s angst and the pain of transformation coincide. You reach toward the true, the good and the beautiful and become a better person through the struggle”.

—Alex Grey, artist